Taking Effect

FEBRUARY 10, 1883.

First Division.


     Stations.        Bodie and     San Fran'co
                      Candelaria.   and Virginia

Mound House..........  9:30 a. m.    6:00 p. m.
Dayton............... 10:00 a. m.    5:25 p. m.
Clifton.............. 10:45 a. m.    4:45 p. m.
Fort Churchill....... 11:20 a. m.    4:12 p. m.
Washout.............. 11:26 a. m.    4:05 p. m.
Wabushka............. 12:00 m.       3:35 p. m.
Cleaver.............. 12:15 p. m.    3:10 p. m.
                      12:30 p. m.    2:55 p. m.
Mason................ 12:40 p. m.    2:45 p. m.
Rio Vista............  1:06 p. m.    2:12 p. m.
Reservation..........  1:20 p. m.    2:00 p. m.
Schurz...............  1:40 p. m.    1:40 p. m.
Gillis...............  2:30 p. m.   12:50 a. m.
Hawthorne............  3:40 p. m.   11:40 a. m.
                       4:10 p. m.   11:00 a. m.
Stansfield...........  4:43 p. m.   10:30 a. m.
Kinkead..............  4:53 p. m.   10:20 a. m.
Luning...............  5:33 p. m.    9:35 a. m.
New Boston...........  5:56 p. m.    9:15 a. m.
Soda Springs.........  6:15 p. m.    8:55 a. m.
                       6:30 p. m.    8:35 a. m.
Rhodes...............  6:50 p. m.    8:15 a. m.
Belleville...........  7:20 p. m.    7:45 a. m.
Junction.............  7:30 p. m.    7:35 a. m.
Candelaria...........  8:00 p. m.   7:00 a. m.

Second Division.


     Stations.        Benton       Belleville
                     Express.       Express.

Belleville...........  7:00 p. m.    7:55 a. m.
Junction.............  7:10 p. m.    7:45 a. m.
                       7:30 p. m.    7:30 a. m.
Basalt...............  8:45 p. m.    6:00 a. m.
Summit...............  9:25 p. m.    5:05 a. m.
Queen................ 10:25 p. m.    4:15 a. m.
Benton................11:15 p. m.    3:30 a. m.

The above trains are run daily and make close connection at Mound House with trains of the Virginia and Truckee railroad for Virginia City and Reno, and with the Central Pacific at Reno, via the Virginia and Truckee, for all points East and West.

Stage Connections:

At Hawthorne with the United States Stage Company's coaches for Aurora, (25 miles); Bodie, (37 mile); Lundy and Bridgeport.

At Luning (125 miles from Mound House) with Gilmer, Salisbury & Co.'s tri-weekly stages leaving Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for Downeyville, Grantsville and Belmont.

At Candelaria with stages for Columbus (8 miles), Silver Peak, Montezuma, Lida Valley, Gold Mountain, etc.

At Benton with daily stages for Bishop Creek, Independence, Cerro Gordo, etc.

H.M. YERINGTON, Gen. Supt.

R. J. Laws, Assistant Superintendent.

D. A. Bender, General Freight and Passenger Agent.

Note: While the above schedule has been corrected from the original printed version, laughing fish will not be responsible, directly or indirectly, for missed trains or connections. This schedule is valid as of February 10, 1883. Subject to change.

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